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[Monthly Events] TOP Active Players

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spacer.pngTOP 20 Voters❕

Top 20 players who vote the most every month will be automatically rewarded with Free WCoins!

Vote for our server every 12 hours https://www.luminousmu.com/vote-reward

Top 20 Reward List:

  • 1. 2000 WCoins
  • 2. 1900 WCoins
  • 3. 1800 WCoins
  • 20.  100 WCoins



spacer.pngTOP 20 Blood Castle❕

Top 20 players of Blood Castle event every month will be automatically rewarded with Free WCoins!

View current rankings: https://www.luminousmu.com/rankings

Top 20 Reward List:

  • 1. 1000 WCoins
  • 2. 950 WCoins
  • 3. 900 WCoins
  • 20.  50 WCoins



spacer.pngTOP 20 Devil Square❕

Top 20 players of Devil Square event every month will be automatically rewarded with Free WCoins!

View current rankings: https://www.luminousmu.com/rankings

Top 20 Reward List:

  • 1. 1000 WCoins
  • 2. 950 WCoins
  • 3. 900 WCoins
  • 20.  50 WCoins



spacer.pngTOP 20 Chaos Castle❕

Top 20 players of Chaos Castle event every month will be automatically rewarded with Free WCoins!

View current rankings: https://www.luminousmu.com/rankings

Top 20 Reward List:

  • 1. 1000 WCoins
  • 2. 950 WCoins
  • 3. 900 WCoins
  • 20.  50 WCoins





📌 Note 1: Events start on the first date of month and ends on the last one. Rankings clear on each 1st date.

📌 Note 2: (Using multiple accounts in a reason to vote and get WCoins will result in permanent ban without warning).

📌 Note 3: If server started just a half of month ago so only half of reward amount will be issued.

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